Forgotten Basil Sorbet

Forgotten Basil Sorbet


  • 948g (1 quart) Water 100%
  • 384g (1 pint) Sugar, Granulated 40.51%
  • 186g (¾ cup) Bar Lemon, Juice 19.62%
  • 180g (3 cups) Basil (wilted) 18.99%


  1. Using BJ120C Citrus Juicer, recover lemon juice from bar lemons.
  2. Add herbs and sugar to WFP16S Food Processor with S-blade and blast (while scraping sides) until paste develops.
  3. Add remaining ingredients and pulse till well incorporated. Strain into chilled WCIC25 Ice Cream machine and turn to ice cream mode.
  4. When program is complete, remove sorbet and transfer to the freezer.

Waring Solutions

Think about your culinary equipment as a system to create, rather than as individual items with a single purpose. Versatile product sets promote efficiency and provide solutions that will inspire change. Through alternative thinking and new processes, we can implement actions that will measurably reduce food waste and provide inspiration for new ingredients and dishes. The system is the solution!